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Falcon for administrators
Falcon for administrators

Get to know the basics of Falcon and the need-to-know stuff any hub owner and project administrator should know

Jonas Steeger avatar
Written by Jonas Steeger
Updated over a year ago

Join your Falcon Hub

Falcon invites you by e-mail. As with other online services, you can easily register directly from the email. To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Accept an e-mail confirmation.

  • Log in to Falcon with your confirmed email address and your assigned password.

  • Then change your password in your user profile.

Create your first project in Falcon

Hub administrators can add new projects to Falcon (and delete them, of course). Falcon has a folder icon above the project tree for this purpose. A click opens the project wizard. Here you can choose between exemplary test projects or create a user-defined project. 

You can freeze the current project status in your project tree at any time. This means that individual tree elements can be permanently or temporarily locked. All existing user permissions are automatically reduced to read permission. All locked tree elements can still be viewed, while you can, for example, prepare analyses and reports without having to change content.

This article explains pausing in detail.

After you have selected a project, you can set important parameters such as the project name and the runtime in Falcon. You can also set the periodicity here. You can choose anything from a weekly to an annual presentation. Most of our customers choose a monthly presentation. With a click on "Save" your new project appears directly in the tree. All settings can also be adjusted later in the admin center.

Add packages and measures to your project tree

After you have created and defined a project, you can adjust the project tree as required. For example, if you want to create a measure package, select the desired project in the tree and click the plus symbol. A new measure package appears. If you want to create a measure, first select the desired measure package in which the new measure is to find its place and press the plus symbol as usual. Of course, you can also rename new measures, packages and projects. Either directly in the tree - by double-clicking on the desired element in the tree - or in the respective profile. 


You can add any number of tree elements and restructure them at any time using drag and drop.

Here you will find everything you need to know about the project structure in Falcon.

Public vs. Restricted Access

FALCON features a multi-level permissions management. In the project tree of the permissions tab in the administration, administrators right-click on each tree element to set whether it is a public or restricted element. Public elements are editable for all users, restricted elements only for those who have been assigned a corresponding permissiom.

Invite your project team

As a hub administrator, you have the option of adding additional users to the project and managing their permissions and responsibilities. To do this, click on the gear icon at the bottom left of the screen to get to the administration and click on the "User"-tab. 

You can add new users via the plus symbol in the upper left corner of the "User administration" area. An input window opens in which you can invite any number of people by e-mail. After each user press the Enter key or write a comma. Falcon will then automatically recognize the email address you have entered. 


Before "adding" the new users, you can still choose whether the invitation mails should be sent directly or whether you want to do this manually later. If you send the invitations directly, the new users will have immediate access to Falcon. However, you can also first set up Falcon as you wish and then invite the users. To do this, select the User administration area again and click on the email symbol behind the respective user.

Assign different editing permissions to your team members

You can manage the user permission through the "Permissions"-tab in the hub management center. This is important to understand. New users are invited to your Falcon hub in general. The assignment of permissions - i.e. who can see and edit what in Falcon - is done individually for each project.


If you have not been assigned any permissions, you will not initially see any project elements in Falcon.

To assign new permissions, drag a user from the user list to the desired level in the project tree. In the "permissions" column, you can then use the dropdowns to decide which permission is granted to the user.

Falcon distinguishes between the: 

  • Read permission ("Read")

  • the permission to write ("write") 

  • admin permission ("Admin") to pause or lock the tree element as well as add subordinated elements

  • and the access prohibition ("Invisible"): a "negative permission" with which you can, for example, revoke a reading permission granted at measure package level for an individual measure. 

Here you will find all further articles on user management and permissions

Create user groups and grant group permissions

Of course you can also assign groups and group permissions in Falcon. In the "Permissions" tab in the hub management you can find a group list just under the user list. You can create a new group using the plus symbol and name it directly in the tree. 

To assign a user to a group, simply drag the affected user from the user list to the desired group. After that the group can be dragged on the tree on the right, just as you did with the individual user permission assignment. 

Check user permissions

To make sure that a user has the correct access rights, you can check his user rights. In this way you can see the corresponding access rights for all levels.

  • Rightclick on a user in the "Permissions" tab of the administration center and check his permissions.

Setting and understanding the traffic light system

Falcon's traffic light system provides you with a continuous overview of the progress of your activities in terms of time and cost. Both in the project tree and in the schedule of individual measures you will see traffic light colours. 

  • "Red" means strongly delayed, 

  • "Yellow" means slightly delayed. 

  • and "Green" elements are in the plan. 

As the administrator, you can adjust the traffic light evaluation at any time in the "Schedule" tab in the admin center. The traffic light evaluation is based on this setting, and time and effect traffic lights change accordingly ot that. The traffic light system itself deserves its own area. Here you can determine exactly when something in your projects has earned a green, yellow or red traffic light. Find out more about the traffic light system here.

Tip: Browsing with the mouse over a traffic light position of any project element displays the percentage progress of the element. 


Browsing with the mouse over a traffic light position of any project element displays the percentage progress of the element.

Here you can find more information on the traffic light system

Setting the Effect Structure

The effect lines (e.g. sales) and the categories (e.g. income statement) can be flexibly set for each project. All effects flow in the tree up to the project. Categories (below) and effect lines (above) can be created and rearranged here.

  • Navigate to the effects section in the administration center. Select the desired budgeting via the gear icon. Now create a new effect line using the plus symbol.

  • Adjust some settings for the effect line and change e.g. the aggregation "time period", the "horizontal" or "vertical" aggregation, the "target" direction or the traffic light limits.


Please note that if you change effect related settings (e.g. project duration or scaling), existing effects may be overwritten. You will get a notification in this case.

Here you will find detailed articles on all topics related to effects and budgeting

Subscribe to Reports and Exports

Falcon offers the possibility to create ppt. reports and Excel exports, e.g. for in-depth analyses.

To support your reporting cycle or to receive certain analyses on a regular basis, Falcon offers the possibility to generate reports and exports automatically at certain times.

If you want to know more about reporting from Falcon, you can find many helpful articles on the topic here.

A detailed step-by-step guide on how to subscribe to reports can be found here.

Filters and Analysis

Falcon offers administrators extensive lists in many places - e.g. in the schedule at project level. Here you can see all activities of the project and sort them (e.g. by status) or filter them (e.g. by responsibility).

  • Go to the project level and then to the Schedule tab, which displays the schedules of all packages, measures, and activities.

  • Select "Activities" above. At this point you can filter und sort as you wish.

  • The Filter icon allows you to aggregate the respective view by Tags, Responsible & Phase in the Schedule and Effects tabs.

  • You can search the project tree by name (of program, project, package or task), ID or assigned tag. To do this, use the search field at the top of the tree.


You need an export of your data? Just right click on the tree icon and select export to...

Here the sorting and filtering features in lists are described in detail

Lock and pause elements

You can prevent input from users without admin permissions by locking elements.

Pausing elements excludes the corresponding element from aggregation.

  • Locking & pausing tree items:
    Right-click the appropriate tree item and select Manage Input... to lock either the entire item or just the effects.
    Select Pause to exclude the element from aggregation.

  • Lock & Pause Activities:
    Right-click an activity in the schedule tab of an measure to lock it or pause it.

  • Lock & pause individual effects:
    In the Effects tab, right-click an action on an effect to lock it.

Here the locking of tree elements is described in detail

Multi Factor Authetification

Maximum security is one of Falcon's highest goals. Falcon's programming meets the latest standards to protect your data in the best possible way. What we do to protect your data can be read in detail here.

To ensure that this high level of protection against unauthorized access is not compromised by inadequate user passwords, you have the option to make Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) mandatory for all users of your hub.

After entering the email address and password, an additional security code is sent to the user via email, SMS or Authenticator App to ensure that no unauthorized third party gains access to your project data.

In the Security tab of the Hub settings, you can activate the mandatory MFA and also specify whether the security code is to be sent only by email or by SMS (more secure & faster) or generated by Authenticator App (most secure and fastest).

  • MFA significantly increases protection from unauthorized access.

  • Generating the security code via Authenticator App provides additional protection, as login requires not only the login data, but also access to the cell phone.

All the details of multi-factor authentication are explained in detail here

Oversee your own responsibilities in your dashboard

The dashboard shows you your personal project. By clicking on the dashboard symbol in the top left you can access the dashboard area at any time and return to the project tree. Find out more in the "Your Dashboard" category! 


The Dashboard also contains the "Your Schedule" tab. There you will see a table with all the activities for which you are responsible. This allows you to edit everything quickly and efficiently in one place.


Administrators may delete tree items, activities, status reports, etc.. Using the trash in the side bar, deleted items can be restored within 7 days with a single click.

  • Right-click in the tree to delete a single measure (last tree level) and restore it via the trash.

Complete your user profile

Of course, you can also customize your personal user profile. Via the settings symbol in the lower left corner of the window you can access your user account, where you can enter your personal details, change your password and choose between English and German languages. You can also use the "Email reports" button to determine whether you want to receive a weekly update of your project by email from Falcon.


For FALCON there are several support channels through which you can get help quickly and easily. Choose the way that suits you best:

  • At the bottom left is a question mark that can be used to open the support chat This way you can get direct, personal help.

  • Our Help Center link is automatically displayed here as a standard message. This takes the user to an online portal with short, clear explanations and videos on all questions:

  • Last but not least we are looking forward to your email inquiries to Email inquiries to

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