Subscribe to reporting

Learn how to subscribe to Falcon's PowerPoint reporting.

Finn Wesseloh avatar
Written by Finn Wesseloh
Updated over a week ago

Which permissions do I need for editing?

At least read permissions

You can subscribe to the PowerPoint reporting in Falcon so that you receive your individual reporting automatically at the time period you specify.

This article answers the following questions:

How can I subscribe to a reporting?

  1. Right-click on the tree level you desire

  2. Select "Create Report"

  3. Select which report should be created. You can also use the settings and filter options for your reporting subscription.

  4. Select "Subscribe"

  5. In the window that now opens, you can select when, how often and to whom the subscribed report should be sent.

Where can I view and edit my subscribed reports?

You can view your subscribed reports collectively at any time. Just click on your profile and select "Subscriptions".

You can now see all your subscriptions. Subscriptions you created yourself can be centrally managed, edited, stopped, cancelled or removed here. Subscriptions to which you have been added can only be cancelled, but not edited.

As a hub owner, you can view and edit all subscriptions in your hub here.

Can I also subscribe to exports?

You can subscribe to exports in the same way, let them be sent to you as desired and manage your subscribed exports centrally.

Click here, to learn more about Falcons reporting.

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