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Export explained in detail
Export explained in detail

Find out how exactly the individual exports are structured with regard to their columns & what the individual information means.

Jonas Steeger avatar
Written by Jonas Steeger
Updated over 5 months ago

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The following describes how you can create an export, what the individual columns mean and what information is contained here.

Create an export

As you probably already know, you have the possibility to export all information from Falcon. Basically you have 2 options:

  • Right-click in the project tree to export the information for individual elements (program, project, package or measure).

  • Using the Falcon menu in the lower left corner you can also export hub-spanning information (e.g. schedules for all projects at once). The information is basically identical. Via the hub-spanning download only the column for type "Hub" and the name of the concrete hub is added. By the way, as administrator you can also export the user list of your entire hub via the falcon menu.

Remember that the export adapts dynamically to your elements: For example, if you export the profile of a measure, you will only see information about that measure. If you want to see information for the levels above, you must select the package or the project level.


The export of the profile contains information about the element, which can also be modified in Falcon using the Profile tab of the same name.

  • Type: Shows type of element (the element is e.g. hub, project, package or measure)

  • Hub: Name of hub

  • Hub (ID): Unique ID of that hub

  • Program: Name of program

  • Program (ID): Unique ID of that program

  • Project: Name of project

  • Project (ID): Unique ID of that project

  • Package: Name of package

  • Package(ID): Unique ID of that package

  • Measure: Name of measure

  • Measure (ID): Unique ID of that measure

  • Measure (Phase): Current phase of the measure (e.g. in conception)

  • Measure (Phase) (Rank): Position of this specific phase (e.g. 1)

  • Measure (Phase) (Start) (Plan): Current start date according to plan column of the measure

  • Measure (Phase) (Start) (Actual/Forecast): Start date according to actual/forecast column of the measure

  • Measure (Phase) (Start) (Delta): Delta between plan and actual/forecast column in days for start date of the measure

  • Measure (Phase) (Start) (Traffic Light): traffic light color resulting from the delta of the measure

  • Measure (Tags): Tags given to the measures (e.g. New York, low-risk, strategy)

  • Description: Description of the element you have created under the Profile tab

  • Targets: Targets of the element you have created under the Profile tab

  • Assumptions: Assumptions of the element you have created under the Profile tab

  • Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous of the element you have created under the Profile tab

  • Position (Target): Name of the effect that gives the element its traffic light color

  • Position (Target) (ID): Unique ID of that effect

  • Responsible: Person responsible for this element

  • Responsible (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Responsible (strategic): Person responsible for this element

  • Responsible (strategic) (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Locked/Unlocked: Distinction whether the element can be edited by normal users or not

  • Guarded/Unguarded: Differentiation whether the element is visible and editable by all users or not

  • Modified at: Date and time when the element was modified

  • Modified by: Name of the person who edited the element

  • Modified by (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Created at: Date and time when the item was created

  • Created by: Name of the person who created the item

  • Created by (ID): Unique ID of that person


The export of the schedule contains all information about the individual activities of your projects. You already know some columns and their meaning from the profile export, so only the newly added columns are highlighted here.

  • Activity: Name of the activity

  • Activity (ID): Unique ID of activity

  • Responsible: Person responsible for this element

  • Responsible (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Responsible (strategic): Person responsible for this element

  • Responsible (strategic) (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Aggregation: Shows whether the concrete element is included in the overall aggregation or paused

  • Status: Shows whether the activity is open, in progress or completed

  • Start (Plan): Start date according to plan column

  • Start (Actual/Forecast): Start date according to actual/forecast column

  • Start (Delta): Delta between plan and actual/forecast column in days for start date

  • Start (Traffic Light): traffic light color resulting from the delta

  • Start (Achievement): current degree of achievement of the started elements (for activities -> green = 100%, yellow = 33%, red = 0%)

  • End (Plan): End date according to plan column

  • End (Actual/Forecast): End date according to actual/forecast column

  • End (Delta): Delta between plan and actual/forecast column in days for end date

  • End (Traffic Light): traffic light color resulting from the delta

  • End (Achievement): current degree of achievement of completed elements (for activities -> green = 100%, yellow = 33%, red = 0%)

  • Activities planned (Start): Total number of activities with existing plan start date

  • Activities ahead (Start): Total number of activities started before the actual plan date

  • Activities delayed (Start): Total number of activities started after the actual plan date

  • Activities planned (End): Total number of activities with existing plan end date

  • Activities ahead (End): Total number of activities completed before the actual plan date

  • Activities delayed (End): Total number of activities completed after the actual plan date

  • Days ahead (min) (Start): Minimum value of days for activities that were started ahead of the actual planning (example: activity was started 1 day before plan)

  • Days ahead (max) (Start): Maximum value of days for activities that were started ahead of the actual planning (example: activity was started 12 days before plan)

  • Days ahead (Average) (Start): Average value of days for activities that were started ahead of the actual planning

  • Days ahead (min) (End): Minimum value of days for activities that were completed before the actual planning (example: activity was completed 1 day before plan)

  • Days ahead (max) (End): Maximum value of days for activities that were completed before the actual planning (example: activity was completed 12 days before plan)

  • Days ahead (Average) (End): Average number of days for activities completed before the actual planning

  • Days delayed (min) (Start): Minimum value of days for activities started after the actual plan date (example: activity started 1 day after plan date)

  • Days delayed (max) (Start): Maximum value of days for activities started after the actual plan date (example: activity started 12 days after plan date)

  • Days delayed (Average) (Start): Average value of days for activities started after the actual planning

  • Days delayed (min) (End): Minimum value of days for activities completed after the actual plan date (example: activity completed 1 day after plan date)

  • Days delayed (max) (End): Maximum value of days for activities completed after the actual plan date (example: activity completed 1 day after plan date)

  • Days delayed (Average) (End): Average number of days for activities completed after the actual planning


The export of the effects contains all information about the effect key figures. There are also columns here that you already know. The newly added columns are briefly described here.

  • Category: Category under which the effect lines are clustered

  • Category (ID): Unique ID of that category

  • Position: Effect line position

  • Position (ID): Unique ID of the the effect line position

  • Position (Format): Unit of the effect line (€ or freely definable "amount")

  • Position (Period): Aggregation period

  • Position (Horizontal Aggregation): Indicates what happens mathematically to the individual periods within an effects line (e.g. all successive periods are summed)

  • Position (Vertical Aggregation): Indication of what happens mathematically with the individual periods via the project tree (e.g. via the effects line an average value is formed across different measures and passed on to the project level)

  • Position (Target): Specifies which target is pursued with the effect line (e.g. more is better or precision landing)

  • Ledger: Account for interface to accounting system

  • Ledger (Qualifier): Qualifier for account for interface to accounting system

  • Legal entitiy: Legal entity for interface to accounting system

  • Legal entity (Qualifier): Qualifier for Legal entity for interface to accounting system

  • Responsible: Person responsible for this element

  • Responsible (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Responsible (strategic): Person responsible for this element

  • Responsible (strategic) (ID): Unique ID of that person

  • Plan/Actual/Delta: Current delta between planning and actual

  • Total: Total value of the effect according to the set aggregation period

  • Total (Traffic Light): Traffic light color of the delta evaluation

  • Total (Achievement): Degree of achievement (comparison of plan vs. actual)

  • Total (min): Minimum value of the achieved effect figures over all periods

  • Total (max): Maximum value of the achieved effect numbers over all periods

  • Total (Average): Average value of the achieved effect figures over all periods

  • Individual periods: Furthermore, you can see all your periods in the export according to the set duration of your budget or project timeline (e.g. duration from January 2020 - December 2022 -> January 2020, February 2020, etc.)

Status Reports

The status reports contain qualitative statements on the development of the respective measure. Many of the columns can already be recognized from the other exports. You can see what is newly added in the following.

  • Flagged/Unflagged: Indicates whether a Red Flag is set or not (Open status report with marking is immediately visible in the project tree with a Red Flag)

  • Open/Solved: Indicates whether the status is still open or already completed ( = checked)

  • Comment: Shows the exact word content in the comment box of the status report

  • Risks: Shows the exact word content in the risks box of the status report

  • Decisions: Shows the exact word content in the decisions box of the status report


The user overview can be exported via the burger menu in the lower left corner, if you have admin rights. Here e.g. the names, mail addresses and owner rights of the individual users can be viewed.

  • User: Full name of the User

  • User (ID): Unique ID of that User

  • First Name: First name of the user

  • Last Name: Last name of the user

  • Position: Position of the user (e.g. Head of Marketing)

  • Department: Department in which the user works (e.g. Production)

  • Organization: Organization in which the user works

  • Language: Language setting the user chooses for Falcon

  • E-Mail: E-mail address of the user

  • E-Mail (Modified at): Date and time when this e-mail address was last changed

  • Logged in at: Date and time at which the user last logged in

  • Logged in from: Location from which the user last logged in

  • MFA (Status): Has the user enabled multi-factor authentication (Yes/No)

  • MFA (Channel): Channel of the enabled multi-factor authentication (E-Mail/SMS)

  • Sessions (Last Month): Number of sessions/logins the user had in the last month

  • Password (Length): Password length (character length only)

  • Password (Type): Identification, if own password or the randomly generated initial password is used (initial password must be changed obligatorily at login)

  • Password (Modified at): Date and time when the password was last changed

  • Passwort (Valid until): Period in which the password is still valid and must be changed afterwards

  • Hub Owner: Identification whether the user has owner rights ("Super-Admin") or not

  • Hub Access: Indicates whether the user has access to the hub

  • Status: User status that is valid in the user overview in Falcon (active/inactive)

  • Permission (Modified at): Date and time when the user's permission was adjusted.

  • Permission (Modified by): Name of the user who modified the user's permission.

  • Permission (Modified by) (ID): ID of the user who adjusted the permission

  • Permission (Added at): Date and time when the user was added to the hub

  • Permission (Added by): Name of the user who added the user

  • Permission (Added by) (ID): ID of the user who customized the user's permission.

Click here for more information on Falcon's export.

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