A well prepared reporting is decisive for the further course of a project and therefore plays an essential role.
In your PowerPoint reporting, you will find two slides per measure: one overview of the measure's schedule and one of the effect. On each slide you will now find certain elements which are explained in more detail below.
Package: The name of the package in which the measure is listed.
Responsible User: The responsible user that was defined in the measure profile.
Phase: The highest achieved phase in which the measure is currently in. Scheduled in the Process tab.
Effects: Displays the traffic light indicating the degree of achievement of the specific effect selected in the measure profile.
Schedule: Displays the traffic light indicating the degree of achievement of the activities in the measure.
Duration (Plan): The planned duration of the measure, calculated from the time period of the first and last planned activity in the measure.
Duration (Actual): The actual duration of the activity, calculated from the time period of the first and last actual (/ forecast) activity of the measure.
Description: Shows the description of the measure, as defined in the profile.
Tags: Displays all selected tags defined in the measure profile, separated by commas.
Position: Name of the effect defined in the profile to which the traffic light refers.
Modified By: Shows the last user who made adjustments to the effect line.
Modified At: Shows the date and time when the user made the last adjustment.
Total (Plan): Total value for the item (effect) defined above in Falcon according to planned values, based on the calculation logic defined in Falcon.
Total (Actual): Total value for the above item (effect) in Falcon according to actual/forecast values based on the calculation logic defined in Falcon.
Total (Delta): Total value for the above-determined item (effect) in Falcon according to the delta between plan and actual/forecast values, based on the calculation logic defined in Falcon
Total (Achievement): Shows the relative achievement level from the actual to the plan values.
Total (Min. Delta): Displays the smallest deviation from plan, including the period in which the deviation occurs.
Total (Max. Delta): Displays the largest variance from the plan, including the period in which the variance occurs.
Effect Graph:
Always refers to the selected target position (effect) in Falcon.
X-axis: Only created periods are shown, the scaling is according to the selection in Falcon.
Y-axis: Plan and actual values for the selected position in the format set in Falcon (e.g.: €k).