This reporting provides a compact summary to report high-level progress for all relevant tree elements.
Aggregated reporting can be drawn at programme, project, and package level. It summarises the progress and the effects achieved at the respective lower level.
Programme / Project / Package: The name of the respective element.
Responsible user: The responsible user who has been registered in the profile of the element.
Activities: Number of completed activities, all activities and the percentage of completed activities compared to all activities, as well as the traffic light with the degree of achievement.
Most frequent phase: Shows the phase in which most of the measures of the respective element are located
Position: Name of the effect that was set in the profile and to which the effect traffic light refers.
Total (Plan): Amount of the planned effect selected as a position and its share in the reported element.
Total (Actual): Amount of the actual/forecast value of the effect selected as position and its share in the reported element.
Total (Delta): Difference between planned and actual value of the effect selected in the position and the degree of achievement.