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The traffic light system explained
The traffic light system explained

Learn what the traffic light symbols in the tree are all about and how to customize the scoring logic.

Moritz Mußmann avatar
Written by Moritz Mußmann
Updated over 9 months ago

The traffic light system provides information about the project's progress by evaluating the time-related and quantitative progress in Falcon.

The traffic lights can be found in various places in Falcon. Above all, however, they provide direct information in the project tree about which measures/packages/projects are proceeding according to plan and which are deviating from the plan. The hub-owner can define in the administration area when a traffic light switches to yellow or red.

In the project tree, the left traffic light represents activity progress and the right traffic light represents effects.

Traffic light system for effect-traffic light and schedule-traffic light

  • Green: Activities or effects are on-time / on-track (within the defined optimum)

  • Yellow: Activities or effects are late / at risk (within the defined tolerance range, so they are slightly delayed)

  • Red: Time (activities) or effects have exceeded the specified tolerance limit and are therefore significantly delayed.

Note: The traffic light system is based on a scoring model. Activities are estimated as a function of the delay (in days). If Falcon remains in the default setting, the activity light changes to yellow after 3 days delay and to red after 7 days delay. The effect traffic light changes color and becomes yellow when less than 90% of the plan is achieved. A red traffic light is shown at less than 70% achievement.

But every project is different. Therefore, admins and hub owners can determine for each project when a traffic light changes color. If you want to know which limits apply to you, you can ask your project administrator.

Status-traffic light

The status-traffic lights are not aggregated traffic lights. As soon as a traffic light has been added to a status report, it appears in the project tree. The last status report added is always taken into account. This means that individual status traffic lights can be added to each level of the project tree.

Effect Traffic Lights

When the effect traffic light switches from green to yellow and from yellow to red depends on the degree of achievement of the effects. 

The default setting in Falcon is a 90-70 split. If you reach more than 90% of the planned effect, the traffic light remains green. Between 90% and 70%, it is yellow and only below 70% achievement, the traffic light turns red.

In addition, you can specify which goal you want to pursue ("more is better", "less is better" or " spot landing"). 

The traffic light is grey?

In order for the effect traffic light of a tree element (project / package / measure) to turn on, the following conditions must apply:

  • A budgeting item must be selected in the element's profile. The element is evaluated on the basis of this effect.

  • Plan and/or Actual/Forecast effects must be maintained in the selected aggregation period for the effect line selected as the Budgeting item.

Activity Traffic Lights

Falcon's traffic light logic for activities works according to a simple scoring system and is similar to a soccer game. First, you determine how many days late an activity should receive a yellow or red traffic light. So, to stay with the soccer example, you determine from how many days late an activity is considered a draw (yellow) and lost (red). In the next step you determine how many points a green, yellow and red traffic light is worth. As a default setting, Falcon provides 3, 1 and 0 points here, just like in soccer.

An example: A measure has 3 activities. All are 3 days late. You have set that from 3 and up to 7 days of delay the traffic light jumps to yellow per activity. You have assigned 3 points for a green traffic light, 1 point for a yellow traffic light and 0 points for a red traffic light. The maximum possible score is 9 points (3 activities with a green traffic light of 3 points each). In fact, 3 points and thus 33% of the maximum possible number of points were achieved. Depending on your chosen threshold, the measure is now assessed as red, green or yellow. As a default value, Falcon assumes 65% as the limit value for a red traffic light. So in this example, the measure is assessed as red.

You can find out how to set the activity traffic lights here.

Tip: This is how the delay tolerance works when checking off an activity.

You can find more information about traffic lights here.

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